
Mothership: WAGES OF SIN

Created by Tuesday Knight Games

A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year 🎉 Here’s what we’re working on 👷‍♂️
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 12:29:15 PM

Hey gang,

Hope you all had an amazing holiday, the TKG team took a good break for the end of the year and we’re all getting back in from being out of office, so let’s dive in!

First off, thank you all so much for making Mothership Month and Wages of Sin such huge successes. It’s been humbling to see all our third party creators thrive and flourish, and really encouraging to see the response to Wages and Megadamage. 

What’s the status?

There are a lot of moving pieces to this campaign. Let’s go through each of them:

Wages of Sin
  • Manuscript is complete.
  • Editing should be done by the end of January.
  • Final art should be turned in by the end of January.
  • Layout template is built, final layout to commence in early February.
  • Once layout is complete, the draft will be turned over to backers for preview and proofreading.
  • Final proofreading will commence after backers have turned in any errors they’ve caught.
  • Final files will then be sent to the manufacturer.

  • Final articles due by the end of January.
  • Editing happens article by article as they are turned in. Proofreading for this is handled in house.
  • Layout, graphic design, and illustration happen as the articles are turned in.
  • We will send out a preview to backers once the pre-press draft is assembled.

Pledge Manager
The basic pledge manager is up and running. You can add Add-Ons to your order now. Shipping will be charged later, closer to when the books are finished printing, as will applicable VAT and Taxes. As this is a book, VAT shouldn’t affect too many of you. We’ll be adding more products to the pledge manager over the next week or two (like PDFs of our back catalog).

We will start working on downloads for those of you who have purchased add ons in the next week.

Character Cards
The character cards have been designed and written and are waiting for final art, which should be here by the end of January. Take a look! The fronts have a full sized portrait and the backs have all the details you need to run the character. These can be used either as an NPC, or as a pre-generated PC. Finally, we have included an import code for each card, so any of these cards can be imported into the Mothership Companion App as a full fledged PC. We’re pretty excited about that. 

Stretch Goals
  • The ODC prison complex has been written. It’s an amazing addition to the book. It includes the complete plans for the prison complex, tons of new NPCs, and it makes a great location to throw your players into (or start them out at) to see if they can escape.
  • Printable Warden Posters: We’ll work on these once the books are at the printer’s.
  • New Ships: These are being designed now and should be done within the next month.
  • Audio Briefings: The scripts for these have been written, and once they make it through editing they’l be assigned to our VO team. These should release around when we fulfill the physical copies.
  • Poster Map: These will be designed once the book finishes editing.
  • Patches: The patches have been designed and should be sent off to print in the next month.

Companion App

If you haven’t heard, the Mothership Companion App recently added an amazing new VTT upgrade: you can run online sessions of Mothership from the app itself, including tokens, dice, characters, map making, and more. Here are two video tutorials about some of the recent additions.

Update schedule

We’ll release an update once each month (we’ve been bad about this in the past, but our New Year’s Resolution is to correct that.). When shipping and fulfillment commence you’ll start getting bi-weekly updates, and then after fulfillment we’ll do bi-monthly updates. 

Until then, stay warm those of you with inclement weather incoming in the US (or in the midst of it). We’ll be back in February with another update. As always, if you have any issues, please e-mail Tyler at [email protected]

The final push! New Ships, Mothership VTT, and more!
3 months ago – Sun, Dec 08, 2024 at 07:20:14 AM

Hey everyone,

Hope you're all enjoying your holiday season, we certainly are at Mothership HQ! We're entering the final few days here and we've got a few stretch goals still up our sleeve. 

We've just unlocked the brand new ships, which we're really excited about. These will be high quality renders with full stats and deckplans like entries in the Shipbreaker's Toolkit. They'll include:

  • An Interdictor: An "affordable" (think in the Raider range) combat based ship perfect for bounty hunters.
  • A Prison Transport ship: Perfect for planning breakouts. We picture the players may end up on these a time or two and so it's the perfect thing to keep a deckplan handy for.
  • A Pirate Ship: a very specific one built for “Pirate Queen” Shoshana Berahthran (one of the bounties). It's built out of other ships and it's the perfect ship for pirates or stranded colonists who have had to make do with what they can scavenge.

We're super excited about these. We're always trying to add new ships to the game to expand your library.

Mothership Companion App adds Virtual Tabletop

If you haven't heard we have an amazing Mothership Companion App for iOS, MacOS, and Android. The free version allows you to make a character and use the dice roller, but we've just added a paid upgrade for a Virtual Tabletop. It's, frankly, amazing.

You can (very quickly) build maps in it, add tokens for other characters, see public dice rolls, send equipment, etc. Also, you can send out a code so that other players can join the session (including players with the free version!). We have a LOT more in store for this app, so if you haven't already, this is the perfect chance to give it a try.

Audio Briefings

Our next achievement/Stretch Goal is for Audio Briefings. These are high quality audio recordings of the "briefings" for the d100 Bounties performed by professional voice actors. These are the perfect prop for your game to play before the mission begins.

Only a few days left! Tell your friends!

Gradient Descent x MEGADAMAGE Magazine
4 months ago – Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 08:51:24 PM

Nick Tofani and Luke Gearing are teaming up for the first installment of "Tales from the Deep," a short comic set in the world of Gradient Descent. Exclusively in MEGADAMAGE magazine available as a part of the Wages of Sin campaign.

4 months ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 11:18:56 AM

We're funded! And in 45 minutes! Thank you all so much. We've got a lot more in store for this campaign. More awesome stretch goals coming up and there's more Mothership Month projects to fund, so take a look at the collection page if you haven't.

I'll have more to say later, but for now all I wanted to say is thank you!

Mothership Month: Wages of Sin Live Q&A w/ Sean McCoy VOD
4 months ago – Thu, Nov 07, 2024 at 06:34:25 PM

Thanks everyone for tuning in to our Live Q&A. It was great talking about Mothership Month and Wages of Sin as well as some upcoming things in the pipeline. Here's the VOD for any of you who missed it!